It’s no secret that Bangkok is one of my favourite cities in the world not only for their culture, but also for their incredible culinary offer. In this chaotic city, you can find many different restaurants from all over the world like michelin star or hidden gems.  And in the middle of this lovely chaos of Bangkok in Sukhumvit 49 exists Umi (@umi_bkk), an omakase restaurant.

 A little hard to find restaurant but thanks to a nearby business owner who showed us the way. It’s inside a building and there was no visible signs of the restaurant—at least we didn’t see any

What is like to eat in an Omakase?

If you aren’t familiar with omakase restaurants, the first thing and most important that you need to know is that you won’t choose what you eat. They ask you for allergies but nothing more. It’s a bit of an exciting adventure, every dish becomes an intriguing thing. Be prepared and open minded, you could eat anything or something you won’t like. But that is the magic of omakase, trust. Umi is the typical japanese omakase restaurant. There is a counter with few seats available—I think we were 6— and you are in front of your chef almost silently and with much focus watching how your food is made. A very chill ambient for sure.

Umi Omakase Bangkok

The Food

Umi offered high-quality and fresh ingredients. I’m not going to lie, the first few dishes where a bit hit and miss for me, new flavours and textures that made me enjoyed some more than others. My favourite dish from the non-sushi part of the meal was the tiny calamaris with rice. The other entrees were good but not my cup of tea. Nigiris were nicely done and tasty. Ideal rice quantity and well-seasoned, but sometimes the rice was a bit too warm. Nonetheless, I enjoyed them.

Uni o sea urchin sushi was a bit disappointing. I think it could’ve been fresher, that way the sea urchin would have more of an intense and delicious flavour. Miso soup was excellent, I really loved it and was a good refreshment to clean your mouth from all the flavours before moving to desserts. But before desserts, we had tamago, super spongy and delicious.


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Umi Bangkok

Dessert consisted of black sesame sorbet. I really really liked this d

essert. It was so light with a strong sesame flavour, perfect for finishing the meal.

Umi Omakase Bangkok


Would I recommend it?

I enjoyed Umi omakase in Bangkok experience but still have mixed feelings about it. I think some dishes were a bit too extravagant for my taste and even though I’m not a picky eater it was hard for me. I’d say go for it if you want to try new things that you aren’t normally served in other omakase restaurants and see for yourself if you like it or not. At the end of the day it’s a matter of taste.





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